Shonna McDaniels
As a working artist in Sacramento for more than 30 years, Shonna McDaniels has become a force to be reckoned with!
She has racked up honors from being selected as one of the Wide Open Walls muralists, to being a recipient of a grant from the Black Artist Foundry, to being named as one of Sen. Richard Pan’s “Unsung Heroes”, to being named as the Sacramento Kings Crown Royal ‘Culture Creator” during Black Artists Month this year, to her most recent achievement - being a recipient of a grant from the Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture in create a community mural – whew!
And that string of honors and achievements is in addition to her being the founder of the Sojourner Truth Museum, a museum founded in 1996 which depicts the history of Blacks in the U.S. and features outstanding Black figures from all aspects of American life to serve as a point of pride for the 12,000 youth that have visited the museum.
“I’ve been through a lot of trials and tribulations as an African-American artist just not being able to have a seat at the table,” she says. “But I got to do what I wanted to do. My vision came true. I got to have my seat at the table. It was just a very empowering experience.”
Shonna's project statement is called for the Love of Black Women.
Shonna's depiction of Black Women allows one so see the incredible strength that allows the Black Woman to always rise to the occasion. Shonna, alludes to this fact with every brush stroke that the Black Woman Is a force to be reckoned with.