

Snowwhite Silas is a passionate female artist trained in the Institute of Management and Technology, (IMT), Enugu, Nigeria. She tells her stories using diverse media but her best is charcoal and acrylic on canvas. Her best subjects are those relating to the girlchild and womanhood. In her own words, she says, "I am a woman with a difference. I believe every woman is made for more than the kitchen. The society may be against the woman in diverse ways. Our lives may be characterized by teas and pains but amidst the pains and sorrows of the woman emerges that inner beauty that is worth more than silver and gold."

Snowwhite envisions a world where women are appreciated, respected and honoured. The woman is the last born of God's creation and carries in her that ability to recreate, nurture and preserve. We must not sit down and watch the woman trampled upon for in her lies potentials untapped. She may seem weak at some point but beyond that weakness lies a great strength unseen. Women can change the world for good. Invest in a woman and change the world for good.