Tijera S. Williams


Tijera S. Williams is a multimedia painter, photographer, and design artist based in Los Angeles, CA. By utilizing traditional techniques of painting and drawing, and marrying that with strong color relationships and significance in dominant linear qualities, Tijera's work revises the male-centered Eurocentric worldview of that of a twenty-first-century Afro-diasporic female gaze as her driving communication. Tijera strives to create work that acts as a megaphone of advocacy for victims, inform and challenge those who have privilege, and deliver a beautiful yet charged image to represent her cultural significance as a Black woman in America.

Utilizing stark vibrant colors, conceptualizing patterns, and hiding optical illusions inside of the work, these three components are some of Tijera’s trademark style choices to translate the message across without compromising the complexity of the work to her audiences The source of her subject matter focuses on transforming and delivering re-appropriation based ideas of famed artworks from the fourteenth to sixteenth-century Italian Renaissance periods and connecting them to her current-day twenty-first century Afro-diasporic female worldview. Tijera’s overall subject matter is constantly and ever-consistently tying with current events, as the toll to be a Black woman in America is one that is completely unique on its own. By merging her personal activism with the Renaissance trope in the world today, she exploits the strong relationship to power and privilege, while also sharing the wealth with those who look reflect her who aren't able to be privileged enough to learn about the arts or even see themselves in this representation.